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Courses (2025 Apply Now)

The best approach to shooting safely & accurately is correct and solid instruction

If you are new to target shooting,  you will firstly need to complete one of our comprehensive instruction courses.  For more information see below (prices reviewed annually). To make an initial visit to the club or sign up for a course please use our contact us page. 

Each spring courses will be available in the following disciplines on a Thursday evening:

Air Pistol

10m standing air pistol, includes ammo.

4 Weeks


Air Rifle

10m standing air rifle, includes ammo.

4 Weeks


Benchrest Rifle

Bench Rest Air progressing to .22 BR if desired, air ammo included, .22 ammo not included.

4 Weeks


.22 prone

.22 prone rifle - bench rest rifle course must be completed to be eligible, ammo not included.

6 Weeks


Benchrest Rifle
Air Pistol
.22 Prone (Mon)
27/3/2025 Introduction Evening
Time to see all the disciplines we offer and decide which course is right for you
3/4/2025 Courses Start
Air Pistol and Air Rifle Bench Courses start
Week 1
Week 1
10/4/2025 Week 2
Week 2
Week 2
17/4/2025 Week 3
Week 3
Week 3
1/5/2025 Week 4
Air Rifle & Pistol Courses finish. Prospective club members continue on Thursdays until probation is completed.
Week 4
Week 4
8/5/2025 Week 5
Bench rifle participants can proceed to either .22 bench or prone courses if desired
Week 1
15/5/2025 Week 6
Continuing participants are put forward for membership, in time for approval on week 12
Week 2
19/5/2025 Week 1
22/5/2025 Week 7
Week 3
26/5/2025 Week 2
29/5/2025 Week 8
Bench .22 course finishes
Week 4
2/6/2025 Week 3
5/6/2025 Week 9-12
Refresher session on week 10, Club Routine talk on week 12
9/6/2025 Weeks 4-8


To you and to us

Our instructors and assistants give up their time for the good of the club and to introduce new members to sport of target shooting in the hope that you will get the same enjoyment out of being a member that they have. Throughout the training program Thursday evenings are dedicated to training to ensure the best focused environment to run the courses.


All we ask of you is to commit to the course evenings and communicate with us if something comes up. Once your course is completed you are under no obligation to continue attending but if you wish to continue and become a club member  you must attend regularly (more often than not) until the end of your probation period. 

New To Things

What to Expect

Anyone interested can register via our website contact us page. The only limitation on who can apply is a minimum age limit of 12. Most disabilities do not prevent people from shooting providing safety is not compromised. All potential course participants will be invited to a introduction evening to learn more about the club and see demos of the different types of shooting we offer, depending on numbers it may be possible to have a go with air rifle bench rest or air pistol.

At the end of the evening applicants are asked to indicate which courses they are interested in, the instructors will go through the preferences and arrange the courses which will start 2 weeks later.


Doesn't have to cost the earth

The introduction evening is free, if you have a go there will be a small charge to cover ammo and target costs.

The courses are priced individually, and are paid for in advance and are non-refundable. It includes targets, air pellets and use of club equipment for the first year.

The club equipment is free to use for the first year of your membership, after this there is a small rental charge to cover maintenance.

After the completion of your course there is a £3.50 per session range fee and the price of any ammo required, approx £6-12 per tin of 500 air pellets or box of 50 .22 rounds.

The probation period is 12 weeks, when becoming a club member an annual subscription will be due. Our membership year starts in September, if you join part way through a year a pro rata rate will apply. Currently the annual sub is £144, Youth (15-21)£72, Junior (14 or under)£48. Getting your own kit needn't be expensive, second hand kit is available and can be accumulated over time, club kit is still available to rent at a low cost.

After the Courses

Club Life

There is no obligation to enter competitions, some members enjoy just coming to practice, a lot of members however enjoy competition. As a new club member there is a competition only for new shooters called Melbury man which is awarded every six months. You can also enter leagues which are shot over the winter or summer shooting seasons, competing as part of a team or individually. On attending the club you will sign in, check your pigeon hole for cards that need shooting, setup your kit and book a range slot. Once you have finished shooting and all your kit is cleared from the range you will sign your competition cards and get them witnessed. They will then go into the relevant slot to be taken away for scoring. There are other aspects to club life such as: club maintenance days, competition days at the club and at local clubs, skittle and quiz evenings and social dinners(Christmas and summer). There are many other things to know about the club which you will pickup along the way and be told about at the end of your courses.

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